
AI is revolutionizing digital marketing by streamlining tasks, enhancing personalization, and driving data-driven decision-making. Best AI Tool for Digital Marketing like BRAND24, Chatfuel, Flick, Hootsuite, Synthesia, and Zapier automate processes such as content optimization and customer service interactions. This frees up marketers to focus on strategy and analysis. AI-powered platforms customize ads and emails, leading to higher engagement, and offer targeted recommendations based on in-depth customer behavior analysis. Furthermore, by extracting insights from big data, AI tools help marketers identify emerging trends and make informed marketing choices. 

Best AI Tools for Digital Marketing

Expert Picks: The Best AI Tools for Digital Marketing in 2024

Are you looking for ways to improve your digital marketing performance and achieve better results? If so, consider using AI tools.

AI tools can transform digital marketing with data-driven insights, content creation, and campaign improvement. They can help you understand your customers better, create engaging and relevant content, and deliver effective marketing. 

In this blog post, we will explore some of the best AI tools for digital marketing that you can use today to take your marketing strategy to the next level.

Your Guide to the Best AI Tools for Digital Marketing in 2024

So, without wasting time, let’s dive in!


                                                            Image Source: BRAND24   

Brand24 is an AI digital marketing tool that helps businesses track what people say about them online. It scours websites, blogs, forums, and even podcasts, looking at the sentiment (positive, negative, neutral) towards your brand. It lets you understand your reputation, address issues quickly, and engage in relevant conversations. 


  • Free trial: 14 days
  • Individual: $99/month 
  • Team: $179/month 
  • Pro: $249/month 
  • Enterprise: $499/month 

Key Features

  • offers competitive pricing.
  • Monitors your brand name, specific products, campaigns, competitors, industry trends, and more.
  • Identifies the sentiment behind each mention (positive, negative, neutral).
  • Categories mentioned by specific emotions like joy, anger, or confusion.
  • Highlights influential voices driving the conversation.
  • Generate comprehensive reports with charts, graphs, and data-checking.
  • Available in multiple languages for global accessibility.


  • User-friendly interface
  • Share insights and reports with your team members 
  • Monitor & engage with audiences globally


  • Higher plans may not be affordable for individuals/small businesses
  • Occasional irrelevant mentions can appear


                                              Image Source: Chatfuel 

Chatfuel is a platform designed for digital marketers to create chatbots for messaging apps like Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp. These chatbots can perform various tasks like answering queries, managing orders, and providing customer support. With its visual interface, you can design conversation flows without needing coding knowledge.


Facebook & Instagram:

  • Business: Starting from $14.39
  • Enterprise: Starting from $300


  • Business: $41.29/month
  • Enterprise: $300/month

Key Features

  • User-friendly drag-and-drop interface for designing conversation flows.
  • Broad integrations with e-commerce, payment gateways, CRM systems, etc.
  • Marketing automation for targeted campaigns and messaging.
  • Lead generation, qualification, and appointment booking capabilities.
  • 24/7 customer support handling FAQs and directing complex issues.
  • Analytics and reporting for tracking performance and user engagement.
  • AB testing for conversation flows and responses.


  • Increase sales through lead qualification and automation
  • User-friendly interface
  • Customer service with 24/7 support
  • Free to use for many businesses


  • The free plan for Chatfuel has some limitations.
  •  Not ideal for highly complex chatbots requiring intricate AI capabilities


                                               Image Source: Flick 

Flick helps you create and manage your social media campaigns. It can find the best hashtags, captions, and content ideas for your posts, as well as schedule them in advance and track their performance. Flick also has an AI assistant that can generate original and engaging content for you based on your topics. Flick saves you time, boosts your results, and makes social media marketing simple and more enjoyable.


  • Free Trial: 7 days
  • Solo: £14/month 
  • Pro: £30/month 
  • Agency: £68/month 

Key Features

  • Plan and preview your Instagram feed.
  • Automate posting schedule for optimal timing.
  • Discover the most effective hashtags for expanding your reach.
  • Create and save hashtag collections for future use.
  • Monitor hashtag performance and adapt strategy accordingly.
  • Check how the audience interacts with content.
  • Access comprehensive reports on your Instagram metrics.


  • You can plan and schedule your posts in advance
  • Simple and user-friendly interface
  • Save time for those handling multiple social media accounts


  • Sometimes provide outdated information
  • The free plan has just basic features


                                           Image Source: Hootsuite

Hootsuite streamlines your digital marketing across multiple platforms. Manage all your accounts, create engaging posts, and even get caption ideas from OwlyWriter — their built-in AI assistant. Hootsuite tracks on your audience to find the golden timing. Plus, it tracks your performance, helping you understand what works and what needs tweaking.


  • Professional: $99/month + 30-day free trial available
  • Team: $249/month + 30-day free trial available
  • Enterprise: Custom pricing 

Key Features

  • Manage all your social media accounts from one central dashboard.
  • Schedule posts in advance to save time and ensure a consistent posting schedule.
  • Track your social media performance with detailed analytics reports.
  • Collaborate with your team on social media content and campaigns.
  • Manage your social media accounts on the go with the Hootsuite mobile app.
  • Monitor brand mentions and industry trends to identify opportunities and respond to feedback.


  • Manage all your social media accounts in one place
  • Schedules posts across platforms for consistent presence
  • Tracks brand mentions and industry trends
  • Offers free trial


  • Expensive for smaller businesses or individuals
  • Lacks some niche features compared to competitors


                                          Image Source: Synthesia

Synthesia is an AI tool that simplifies the process of creating marketing videos. By inputting your script, you can generate videos featuring realistic actors and voices without filming. With its user-friendly interface, diverse actor options, and multilingual voice capabilities, Synthesia caters to various audiences. Ideal for explainer videos, ads, and messages. 


  • Starter: $22/month 
  • Creator: $67/month 
  • Enterprise: Custom pricing

Key Features

  • Select from over 160 ethnically diverse avatars — ranging from cartoonish to photorealistic.
  • Create videos in 120+ languages and accents.
  • Brand your videos with logos, colors, and fonts, and use templates for quick starts.
  • Track video performance to measure engagement and success.
  • Write your script, choose an avatar, and Synthesia generates a professional video with voiceover.


  • Save time and resources
  • Produce multiple videos for different campaigns or audiences


  • Avatars cannot replicate the full range of human expression and emotion
  • Voice inconsistencies

6. Zapier

                                      Image Source: Zapier

Zapier is a digital marketing assistant — connecting various tools such as social media platforms, email marketing services, and analytics dashboards. It enables the creation of automated workflows called “Zaps” to manage repetitive tasks, such as adding new leads to your email list or posting welcome messages on social media for website sign-ups. This automation cuts manual tasks, reduces errors, and frees time for creativity.


  • Free
  • Starter: $19.99/month
  • Professional: $49/month
  • Team: $69/month
  • Company: Contact Sales

Key Features

  • Links marketing apps, translating communication among social media, email, and analytics.
  • Set up “Zaps” to handle tasks like lead entry and message posting automatically.
  • Build Zaps with a drag-and-drop interface and clear instructions.
  • Start automating for free — with paid plans for advanced features.
  • Connect with thousands of popular marketing tools.


  • Automates repetitive tasks 
  • Free plan available
  • No coding is needed – a user-friendly interface for effortless automation building


  • The free plan has limitations on integrations and Zaps
  • Requires some initial time to understand its capabilities and set up workflows

Bottom line

The world of digital marketing in 2024 is fueled by the power of AI. AI tools can streamline your efforts, unlock valuable insights, and personalize your approach for maximum impact. 

Whether you need help crafting compelling content, optimizing your online presence, or understanding your audience, there’s an AI solution to elevate your strategy. 

Above, I’ve discussed the 6 best AI tools for digital marketing, so choose the one that is perfect for your needs. Don’t be afraid to experiment with free trials and demos to discover which AI platforms enhance your workflow and drive superior results. 

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